Support the Omar-Pressley Resolution Condemning Police Violence

Note: I wrote the following letter to my representative based on some good intel from Indivisible. You can also see the press release on the Omar-Pressley resolution here. You can read the text of the resolution here. Feel free to copy or use any part of this text in your own letter to your representative.

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A Thank You Note to Twitter

Note: As important as it is to offer constructive criticism to those who fail to do the right thing, it is also important to recognize when people and institutions are heading in the right direction. I tweeted the following to Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, in recognition of their company’s attempt to keep civil discourse

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A Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

Note: The following is a copy of the letter I wrote and messaged Mark Zuckerberg about through Facebook messenger. Feel free to use it as inspiration to share your own thoughts about how how to keep social media companies accountable to the power they wield in modern society. Let us take care, especially in this

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